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一件事是产生新的和好的企业的创业火花,二是管理上的成功,两者都是必不可少的。(戈麦斯/ Dezerega)

当前正在流行两种鼓励制定业务计划的情况。一项要求是提出与ISO认证相关的业务计划。另一个是从Kaplan&Norton Balanced ScoreCard的准备中获得的,Kaplan&Norton Balanced ScoreCard是一种管理工具,基于远景/使命,可以实施战略,并需要逐个目标(财务,商业,运营和人员)来指定战略计划:这是不可能的。无需事先或并行准备相应的业务计划即可。














财务计划的特殊特征是必须首先服从于其他领域的需求,成本结构和资本结构。但是,一旦完成整合并制定了初始业务计划,就必须根据将要实现的财务目标来重做它:无论何时-在第一轮中他们都无法实现。这通常会导致提出要求,建议对其他领域进行次级管理:这会引发健康的讨论和谈判,只有执行委员会才能通过将业务计划提交董事会批准来终止这些讨论和谈判。 。














ABCDE,天使。石油公司:高级营销主管如何看待市场的发展/ Angel Abcde(及其他)//英文:国家石油新闻。-(Jun)1995年。-页。32-63。

迪卡·阿尔卡蒂伯。环境政策:竞争力与发展/ Deyaa Alkhateeb / OPEC Bulletin。– Vienna,1997年。


ALTMAN, Edward I. Financial handbook / Altman Edward I. – Canada: Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1981.

ALTMAN, Edward I. Corporate financial distress a complete guide to predictng, avoiding, and dealing with bankruptcy / Altman Edward I. – Canada: John Wiley & Sons, 1983.

BALDWIN, Jorge. Cómo dominar las finanzas de la empresa / Jorge Baldwin & Carlos Baldwin – Bogotà: Norma, 1990.

BREALY, Richard A. Principios de finanzas corporativas / Richard Brealy & Myers Stewarts. - 4ª ed. - Madrid:L Mac Graw Hill, 1993.

BREALY, Richard A. Principles of corporate finance / Richard Brealy & Myers Stewart. - New York: Mac Graw Hill, 1984.

BREALY, Richard A. Fundamentals of corporate finance / Richard Brealy & Myers Stewart C. - 3r.ed.– New York: McGraw Hill, 1988.

BREALY, Richard A. Principles of corporate finance / Richard Brealy, Myers Stewart & Alan Marcurs -4ª ed. - New York: McGraw Hill, 1991.

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COOKE, Robert A. Curso McGraw-Hill de finanzas para no financieros / Robert A. Cooke. - Madrid: McGraw Hill, 1994.

DAVIS, Edward W. Finance and the firm and introduction to corporate finance / Edward W. Davis & John Pointon. - 2nd ed. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

DURST, David R. (Study guide accompany Brealey – Myers – Marcus). Fundalmentals of corporate finance / David Durst & Thomas Stitzel. - New York: Mac Graw Hill Inc. 1995.

GUTIERREZ M., Luis F. Finanzas prácticas para países en desarrollo / Luis Gutierres –Bogotà: Norma, 1992.

HORNGREN, Charles T. Contabilidad de costos un enfoque gerencial / Charles T. Horngren & George Foster, Srikant M. Datan. - 8ª ed. - Mèxico: Prentice Hall Americana S.A., 1996.

INDACOCHEA C., Alejandro. Finanzas en inflación / Alejandro Indacochea C. - Lima: Grafia editores e impresores, 1990.

IRRAZABAL, Anibal. Analisis financiero en la gestión de empresas / Anibal Irrazabal. - 1ª.ed. - Santiago,Chile: Dolmen, 1994.

LEVI D., Maurice. International finance: the markets and financial management of multinational business / Maurice Levi D. - 2nd ed. - New York: McGraw Hill, 1990.

PALEPU, Krishna G. Business analysis & valuation / Krishnapalepu & Victor Bernard & Paul Healy. - Cincinnati: South Western College Publishing,, 1996.

RAYBURN, Gayle L. Principles of cost accouting: managerial applications / Gayle Rayburn. - Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1993.

SALAZAR S., Nicolás. Guía práctica de contabilidad de la producción petrolera / Nicolas Salazar. - Caracas: Lagoven, 1990.

SHIM, Jae K. Modern cost management & analysis / Jae K. Shim & Joel G. Siegel. - New York: Barron’s, 1991.

SUAREZ S., Andrés s. Decisiones óptimas de inversión y financiación de la empresa / Andres S. Suarez S. - Madrid: Pirámide, S.A., 1985.

VAN H. James C. Fundamentos de administración financiera / James C. Van H. & John Wachowicz. - 8ª.ed. - Mèxico: Prentice Hall, 1994.

Perspectiva Comercial

BERRY, Leonard L. On great service a framework for action / Leonard L Berry – New York: The Free Press, 1995.

BUGGIE, Frederick D. Estrategias para el desarrollo de nuevos productos / Frederick D. Buggie. – México: Fondo Educativo Interamericano, 1983.

COTLE, David. El Servicio centrado en el cliente / David Cotle.– Madrid: Ediciones Díaz de Santos S.A., 1991.

GARY, Hamel. Competing for the future / Hamel Gary & C.K. Prahalad. - Boston: HBS Press, 1994 – 1997.

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GRADDY, Duane B. Commercial banking and the financial services industry / Duanee B. Graddy, Austin Spencer & William Brubsen. - Virginia: Reston Publishing Inc. 1985.

HUICI MODENAS, Adrian. Estrategias de la persuación: mito y propaganda política / Adrian Huici Módenes. – Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, 1996.

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PETTERS, Tom. Competencia / Tom Petters, Brian Deur Burguer. – Nueva York: Norma, 1996.

PITTS, Robert A. Strategies for competitive success / Robert A. Pitts, Charles C. Snow. – New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986.

PORTER, Michael E. Cases in competitive strategy / Michael E. Porter.– New York: The Free Press, 1983.

___________________. Competitive advantage: creating sustaining superior performance / Michael Porter.– New York: Free Press, 1985.

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. La ventaja competitiva de las naciones / Michael Porter.– 1ª.ed. – Barcelona, España: Plaza & Janes, 1991.

ULRICH, Dave. Organizarse mejor para competir con ventaja / Dave Ulrich, Dale Lake.– Buenos Aires: Vergara, 1992.

Perspectiva Operacional

AQUILANO, Nicholas. Dirección y administración de la producción y de las operaciones / Aquilano, Nicholas y Chase Richard. - 6ª.ed. - Madrid: Timer Mirror de España, S.A., División Irwin, 1995.

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Perspectiva Humana

BIRKENBIHL, Michael. Formación de formadores / Michael Birkenbihl – Madrid: Paraninfo, 1990.

BROOKING Annie. El capital intelectual / Annie Brooking - Barcelona: Paidos, 1997.

DAVENPORT Thomas H. Working knowledge / Thomas Davenport & Laurence Prusak. - Boston: HBS Press, 1998.

EDVINSSON Leif. Intellectual capital / Leif Edvinsson & Michael S. Malone. - Harper, New York: Harper, 1997.

FITZ-ENZ, Jac. How to measure human resources management / Jac Fitz-Enz. - New York: McGraw Hill, 1984.

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KARL, Erik. The new organizational wealth / Erik Karl. - San Francisco, 1997.

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MILKOVICH, George T. Compensation / George Milkovich. - Illinois: Bpi/Irwin, 1990.

NONAKA, Ikjiro. The knowledge / Ikjiro Nonaka & Takeuchi Hirotaka. - New York: University Press, 1995.

PHILLIPS, Jack J. Accountability in human resource management / Jack J. Phillips. - Houston: Gulf Publishing, 1996.

SCHUSTER, John. The power of open – book management: releasing the true potential of people´s minds, hearts & hands” / John Schuster – New York: Jhon Wiley & Sons, 1996.

STEWART G., Bennett. The quest for value / Bennett Stewart. - New York: Harper Business, 1990.

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WAYNE F., Cascio. Costing human resource: the financial impact of behavior in organizations / Cascio Wayne. - 3r.ed. - Boston: PWS-KENT Publishing Company, 1991.

Gerencia Estratégica

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DAVID, Fred R. La gerencia estratégica / Fred R. David. – Bogotá: Legis Editores, 1990.

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